
Blog Article Image showing a dev between a computer and tools
Technologie – Blogbeitrag

IoT Developer

One of the things we specialize in our Liechtenecker Lab is Internet of Things. The Internet isn’t something we consume just on our desktop anymore: Today the Internet is everywhere and when we talk about IoT we talk [...]

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Blog Article Illustration showing a compass
Technologie – Blogbeitrag

The Hype Compass

Almost everyday and everywhere we are confronted with new hypes, trends and nostradamus prophecies. BUT are really all of these starlights true future-proof killer inventions or are some of them just overrated [...]

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Technologie – Blogbeitrag

VR excited!

A couple of weeks ago my colleague Stephan showed us where VR came from, how it works, and what its possibilities may be. Today, I want to focus on actually using VR, show good and not-as-good examples of VR-Technology [...]

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Blog article image IoT display showing illustration of a LED
Technologie – Blogbeitrag

IoT Displays

For a long time the Internet was just something we could consume on our desktop machines. You clicked this little icon on your desktop to open up a window that allowed you to dive into a brand new digital world. Many [...]

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