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The Happiness Tracker

7. April 2016, von Blumi

Have you ever asked yourself „How happy have I been the year so far?“
„What was my general mood over the last couple of months?“ Well, I did.

Our LAB Mood Board

On our whiteboard in our LAB we have a small mood board on the upper right corner. When we come to work, we put our magnetic faces to the level we feel today so everybody knows what the current mood of every colleague is.
Liechtenecker Mood Board Happiness Scala

The Happiness Tracker

Beside my daily work I thought myself, how could this look like when this mood board would be transformed into digital? So just for fun I thought let’s try it out, do something cool and eventually I came up with the concept of the Happiness Tracker.
The Happiness Tracker is a small and simple application to track your states of happiness over a period of time. It could be an app or an application that gets integrated in intranets or 3rd party applications. Aim of the Happiness Tracker is simply to show you how happy you have been in the last couple of months in a funny way.
Enough said, just see the result, hope you like it.

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Meine Rolle bei Liechtenecker: Experience & Visual Designer, hauseigener Fitness & Strength Coach, steirischer Märchenprinz Wenn es weder IT noch Digitalisierung gäbe, wäre mein Beruf: Seefahrer / Tätowierer Mein Herz schlägt für: Das Meer, Calamari, Illustration, Eisen & Stahl
2 Kommentare.
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8. April 2016 um 06:29

The idea isn’t exactly what I would call new; there really is a bunch of these Apps available on the App Stores and Online (hint http://lmgtfy.com/?q=mood+tracker).
That said, the design and execution is nice and yes it has fun factor. Which is sometimes more important than the idea itself.

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Antwort verfassen
    Stefan Blumauer
    12. April 2016 um 07:36

    Hi Dieter, yes you are right, the idea is absolutely not a new one. But it wasn’t the goal to generate something completely new. I just wanted do my own interpretation of a mood tracker as a small fun project beside my daily work. Best regards, Stefan.

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Folge #62 mit Susanne Liechtenecker

27. November 2020

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