The color in me is not the color in you
Colors have a big impact on us: How we feel, what we think about an object, a product or the whole world around us. What do you feel when you see a fresh green or a cool blue? Do you have memories and feelings that [...]
Jetzt lesenIoT Developer
One of the things we specialize in our Liechtenecker Lab is Internet of Things. The Internet isn’t something we consume just on our desktop anymore: Today the Internet is everywhere and when we talk about IoT we talk [...]
Jetzt lesenThe Hype Compass
Almost everyday and everywhere we are confronted with new hypes, trends and nostradamus prophecies. BUT are really all of these starlights true future-proof killer inventions or are some of them just overrated [...]
Jetzt lesenVR excited!
A couple of weeks ago my colleague Stephan showed us where VR came from, how it works, and what its possibilities may be. Today, I want to focus on actually using VR, show good and not-as-good examples of VR-Technology [...]
Jetzt lesenDev UX
When you think about user experience and the people who are specializing in this field, you probably wouldn’t think of backend developers to be part of it. But why not? The experiences we have with a product aren’t [...]
Jetzt lesenIoT Displays
For a long time the Internet was just something we could consume on our desktop machines. You clicked this little icon on your desktop to open up a window that allowed you to dive into a brand new digital world. Many [...]
Jetzt lesenThe Happiness Tracker
Have you ever asked yourself „How happy have I been the year so far?“ „What was my general mood over the last couple of months?“ Well, I did. Our LAB Mood Board On our whiteboard in our LAB we have a small [...]
Jetzt lesenWe proved it - plants have feelings
At the Liechtenecker Lab we like to explore all kind of interactions. Some are less obvious than others. For example, have you ever asked yourself, if your nondescript plant on your window sill communicates with you? And [...]
Jetzt lesenUX im Alltag: Online Shopping
Seit ich die unendlichen Weiten des Online Shoppings für mich entdeckt habe, kommt es immer öfter vor, dass ich den Weg in den Store scheue und mich lieber in einem Moment der Ruhe vor meinen Laptop zurückziehe. Von [...]
Jetzt lesenRealtime Apps – echter geht kaum
Der Nowism ist als Trend alles andere als neu. Wenn man allerdings die App Landschaft der Gegenwart etwas genauer betrachtet, könnte man das Gefühl haben, der Wunsch nach Realtime und der ungeschminkten Wahrheit des [...]
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